Start-Up Chile-A Public Accelerator Program Seeding the Latin American Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Case Code: LDEN177 Case Length: 22 Pages Period: 2015-2021 Pub Date: 2022 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.400 Organization : Start-Up Chile Industry : Government & Non-Profit Organisations Countries : Chile Themes: Entrepreneurship, Public Policy , Government & Economy, Venture Capital |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
The case describes the inception and growth of Start-Up Chile (SUC), a public accelerator launched in 2010 through the Chilean development agency (CORFO). SUC built a reputation for itself as a world-leading program that had transformed entrepreneurship not only in Chile but throughout Latin America. It encouraged a new class of public accelerator programs around the world with over 50 countries adopting the SUC model in their public accelerator programs.
The case focuses on the prevailing conditions in Chile and the efforts of the Chilean governments since the 1980s to build an environment conducive to entrepreneurship through a series of laws, reforms, and investments in institutional building. It then goes on to describe the early period of SUC when it went about developing a fixed-term cohort-based program where each cohort consisted of competitively selected participants who relocated to Santiago for the program period and were given shared office space and equity-free seed capital. Next, the case examines the business model, organization structure, and processes that were put in place to implement the accelerator program.
The case then touches upon the key structural dimensions of the SUC model and the mechanisms that helped in the successful growth of the accelerator program. Finally, it analyzes in detail the various programs offered by SUC and its impact on the Chilean entrepreneurial ecosystem with more than 300,000 Chileans participating in events and being involved in mentoring, culminating in SUC being ranked in Forbes 2018 list of the ‘Top 10 Global Accelerators based on number of exits’.
The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives:
- Understand the importance of political support for innovative initiatives.
- Examine the different structural and policy mechanisms for innovation.
- Understand the importance of innovation policy for economic development.
- Gain an understanding of accelerators and venture capital investments.
- Learn about the various programs offered by accelerators.
The Early Phase
Broaden the Scope of the Program
Programs offeredacross Start-Up Stages
Suc’s Impact on the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Next Steps
Venture selection;Accelerator;Start-up financing; Mentoring; Innovation policy;Entrepreneurship ecosystem; Economic development;Venture capital;Start-ups;Start-up phases;Survival rate;Entrepreneurship culture;Entrepreneurship training;
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